15:02 | 12.12.11 | News
Incomes of the Armenian mobile operators almost half reduced over recent years
11:18 | 01.12.11 | News
VivaCell-MTS General Manager does not have any ambitions to run for Armenian president
12:24 | 29.11.11 | News
70-80% of world scientific literature to be available to Armenian scientists till 2015
12:09 | 11.11.11 | News
Steve Wozniak awarded an Honorary Doctorate of State Engineering University of Armenia
15:36 | 07.11.11 | News
Yerevan Web Meetings: The story of success of Delfi leading Lithuanian portal presented
12:56 | 02.11.11 | News
ArmenTel announces its technical readiness to enhance the internet speed up to 60Mbps
12:59 | 19.10.11 | News
Alternative tariff plans of ArmenTel fixed network to be available on January 1
16:59 | 12.10.11 | News
Tariff plans for fixed communication subscribers to be worked out in Armenia soon
16:32 | 12.10.11 | News
The Regulator decreases the maximum price level on the wholesale internet in Armenia almost 5-fold
16:47 | 10.10.11 | News
3G internet penetration level in Armenia is one of the highest in the Eastern Europe
15:42 | 23.09.11 | News
ArmenTel: it’s impossible lay hold of the Beeline subscriber base through the Internet
12:33 | 20.09.11 | News
All pupils of elementary classes in Stepanakert and Shushi to receive XO notebooks
15:19 | 16.09.11 | News
Ucom to provide the library of the Academy of Sciences and National Library with free internet
14:14 | 14.09.11 | News
ArmenTel offers special tariff plans to ACBA Bank’s Visa Student card holders
12:45 | 13.09.11 | News
ArmenTel gets a severe reprimand for applying tariff discrimination toward Ucom
14:25 | 07.09.11 | News
Armenia ranks 33d among 142 countries by the level of mobile network penetration
12:46 | 31.08.11 | News