14:25 | 07.09.11 | News | 3732

Armenia ranks 33d among 142 countries by the level of mobile network penetration

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Armenia ranks 33d among 142 countries by the level of mobile network penetration in 2011-2012 Global Competitiveness Report published by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Head of “Economy and Values” research center (WEF’s Armenian partner) Manuk Yeganyan stated today that the WEF was guided by outdated statistical data on the telecommunication sphere in Armenia in its previous reports, Mediamax reports. But the most up-to-date statistical data on mobile operators’ subscribers and internet-users were used in the latest report which allowed Armenia to improve its index of infrastructure advancement by 13 points (77th position) and index of technological qualification by 20 points (88th position).

According to the latest statistical data, the three Armenian operators have over 3.5mln subscriber contracts whereas Armenia’s population is estimated at approximately 3.2mln.