18:06 | 13.01.12 | News | 3119
Yerevan/Mediamax/. On December 31, 2011 and January1, 2012 ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) mobile subscribers made over 5.2mln calls.
Subscribers of fixed network made about 4mln calls: over the same period, Beeline mobile subscribers sent over 800 thousand SMS which average speed made a little more than 3 seconds on New Year’s days and the percent of successfully sent messages exceeded 99.8, the company reports.
All in all, 217Tb of traffic was transmitted through the data transfer channels of the company for the 2 incomplete festive days.
The company noted that all the technical systems of ArmenTel ensured stable operation throughout the whole Armenia’s territory on the New Year’s night and within coming days as well. There were no interruptions in the mobile and fixed network of the company. “Uninterrupted and quality operation of all the links of the Beeline network on New Year holidays illustrates the high level of technical equipment of our infrastructure”, noted the company’s CEO Igor Klimko.