16:12 | 26.08.19 | News
Ucom offers uDrift prepaid mobile internet tariff plans with 10 GB and 30 GB volume
11:11 | 23.07.19 | News
Koti is included in Eco Villages Development Plan with support of VivaCell-MTS
17:17 | 16.07.19 | News
VivaCell-MTS to solve the housing and wheelchair ramp issue in Aghavnadzor village
16:27 | 26.06.19 | News
Beeline and Nikita Mobile incorporate Mobile ID service for the first time in Armenia
15:10 | 21.05.19 | News
Winners of “Innovative Ideas for Tourism Development in Armenia” hackathon announced
14:43 | 17.05.19 | News
Ucom issues USD and AMD bonds with annual yield of 7.5% and 11% respectively
15:40 | 16.05.19 | News
Hackathon on tourism development to be held in Vanadzor with EU4Business support
17:46 | 05.04.19 | News
Master’s program “Applied Statistics and Data Science” has a newly-opened lab
17:14 | 02.04.19 | News