17:10 | 10.07.12 | News
VivaCell-MTS provied affordable internet and computer equipment to regions of Armenia
15:59 | 04.07.12 | News
ArmenTel offers unlimited internet to subscribers of Beeline prepaid tariff plans
15:57 | 02.07.12 | News
By subscribing to Orange Internet till August 31 new subscribers to receive twice more traffic
16:10 | 22.06.12 | News
VivaCell-MTS established computer labs and Wi-Fi corners in two regional universities
16:29 | 21.06.12 | Articles | exclusive
Odnoklassniki: \'\'We are the first among social networks in Armenia\'\'
16:47 | 17.05.12 | News
VivaCell-MTS to open computer classes and WiFi-corners in 29 universities by the end of the year
17:22 | 23.04.12 | News
FPWC and VivaCell-MTS initiated a tree-planting in an area adjacent to the Khosrov Reserve
13:15 | 20.04.12 | News
We should preserve the nature – it’s Armenia’s most valuable capital, Ralph Yirikian thinks
16:00 | 18.04.12 | News
The name of the Orange customer who will travel to the country he received a call from is known
14:55 | 28.03.12 | News
17:33 | 06.03.12 | News
VivaCell-MTS offers “Super Smart Bonus” for MTS Touch 551 and MTS Ego phone buyers
10:38 | 24.02.12 | News
Armenian scientist makes an important discovery within international group of astrophysicists
16:37 | 13.02.12 | News
Beginning April 2012, VivaCell-MTS logo will be placed on the reverse side of cash register receipts