14:26 | 31.03.14 | News | 3502

20 students received scholarships from Orange Foundation

Orange Foundation granted 20 scholarships to students of French University in Armenia (UFAR) and State Engineering University of Armenia (Polytechnic).

Orange Foundation dedicated 3 mln AMD to the mentioned universities for payment of tuition fees of the 20 selected students. The students have been selected on the proposal of the universities, based on 2 criteria - student’s GPA and family’s financial standing.

During this academic year Orange envisages to support 96 students of 9 universities of Yerevan and different regions dedicating 10 million AMD for this purpose.

“Orange Foundation has been cooperating with universities since 2011 and over 200 scholarships have already been granted during this period. Our cooperation with UFAR and Polytechnic is not limited only to scholarships - each year Orange welcomes 25 interns from these universities and we have very much appreciated the trust of UFAR students who have recently named Orange as the best employer choice in the telecom field”, said Francis Gelibter, Chairman of the Board of Orange Foundation.

To be noted that Orange has recently been officially certified as one of the Top Employers of Armenia 2014 by the Top Employers Institute for its exceptional employee offerings, as a result of an audit conducted by Grant Thornton.