10:28 | 10.07.24 | Articles | exclusive
First LLM summer school in Armenia with an impressive faculty and AI trends
09:46 | 19.02.15 | Interviews | exclusive
Andrey Patoka: “Beeline will remain most customer-centric operator in Armenia”
12:44 | 16.09.11 | News
“Bever” and IBM organize a seminar for representatives of financial and telecommunication markets
10:38 | 17.11.10 | Interviews | exclusive
“Integration of landline and mobile businesses aims at creating a multi-service operator”
10:16 | 18.02.10 | News
Beeline to support international “1 Goal: Education for All” campaign in Armenia
13:59 | 26.08.09 | News
14:40 | 13.05.09 | News