10:37 | 18.02.16 | Articles | exclusive 181842

Mediamax launches MaxMonitor/Mediatrends platform

Mediamax launched a MaxMonitor/Mediatrends platform that allows to view in real time what Armenian online media publications attract the audience’s engagement.

“Being an absolute leader in Armenian media monitoring market, Mediamax launched MaxMonitor automated system in 2015, which dozens of private and state organizations are already using. MaxMonitor is a closed system, however, taking into account that we monitor the content of over 100 websites, we decided to develop a free tool available for everyone, MaxMonitor/Mediatrends,” said Mediamax Director Ara Tadevosyan.

MaxMonitor/Mediatrends forms indices based on the activity Facebook users show towards Armenian online media publications. Facebook Score is a unified indicator comprised of total number of “likes”, “shares” and comments of the article.

MaxMonitor/Mediatrends calculates only data received from Facebook official buttons and doesn’t count buttons of systems like Addthis, Sharethis and others.

The system counts what publications receive attention from Facebook users and presents data for 4 time periods: 30 minutes, 1 hour, 24 hours and 1 week. Data display is renewed every 60 seconds.

You can learn more details (in Armenian) about the platform here.

MaxMonitor/Mediatrends will allow to close the gap that existed in Armenian online media measurement. You can request data on the number of visitors from this or that website, e.g. 50,000 or 100,000 visitors. However, that index doesn’t allow to understand which article on that website drew the most attention. MaxMonitor/Mediatrends can become a useful tool for all our colleagues to view the preferences of their audience in real time. The new function will also be an additional information source about public moods, and can be useful for everybody,” noted Ara Tadevosyan.

MaxMonitor/Mediatrends is mobile device friendly.