16:01 | 24.08.11 | News | 3404

Hi-Line service available in 57 settlements of Armenia

Yerevan/Mediamax/. ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) announced the expansion of the geography of Hi-Line broadband access service.

By providing the service in Bambakashat, Malishka, Mrgashat, Nalbandyan, Panik, Sarnaghbyur, Chambarak (Gegharkunik marz) as well as in the villages of Armavir and Tavush, the number of settlements where Hi-Line is available reached up to 57.

Thus, ArmenTel doubled the number of settlements where the Hi-Line service is available over the last year.

“Investments into the country’s wired infrastructure and its modernization are based on the ArmenTel’s intention to provide the regional population not only with reliable fixed communication but also quality Internet. Armenia’s universal operator develops the wired network in new towns and settlements, offers free connection to the service and profitable actions and tariffs especially to this end”, noted ArmenTel CEO Igor Klimko.

In late June 2011, the company announced the connection of the 100th subscriber to the Hi-Line service.

The complete list of the settlements where Hi-Line service is available as well as the tariff plans are available on www.beeline.am.