17:48 | 03.10.11 | News
VivaCell-MTS and Golden Apricot launched “Gaudeamus” film festival for students
11:18 | 30.09.11 | News
Mediamax and VivaCell-MTS invited Facebook and Wikimedia representatives to Armenia
11:42 | 20.09.11 | Interviews | exclusive
ArmenTel: We are going to organize the public demonstration of VDSL technology in near future
16:59 | 16.09.11 | News
Armenian President to be presented the package of proposals on reforms in the ICT sector
12:44 | 16.09.11 | News
“Bever” and IBM organize a seminar for representatives of financial and telecommunication markets
11:40 | 16.09.11 | News
ArmenTel expands trunk channels by connecting to Level 3 Communications provider
14:14 | 14.09.11 | News
ArmenTel offers special tariff plans to ACBA Bank’s Visa Student card holders