17:27 | 06.04.18 | News | 64636

Armenia is testing Mobile ID

The testing of Mobile ID (mID) system has been launched in Armenia today. It is an efficient, secure tool for person identification, as well as for signing of any e-documents online.

Mobile ID will be available to a limited number of users and e-service providers while in the test mode.

E-signature via ID card has been used in Armenia for a long time, but the mobile e-signature has been imported by E-governance Infrastructure Implementation Unit (EKENG) CJSC, Nikita Mobile LLC and mobile operators.

EKENG, Nikita Mobile, VEON Armenia and Ucom have signed the memorandum on cooperation today.

Nikita Mobile performs as the mID operator. The company’s founder Ara Yaghjyan has noted that according to their estimates, 50 000 people will be using Mobile ID in Armenia within 2-3 years.

“We have activated around 30 SIM cards so far. The testing will take about a month, but since the operators need to order specific SIM cards at their vendors, we might need more time for the cards to reach the market,” he said.

Beeline Armenia Commercial Director Hayk Karapetyan has highlighted that the company has been involved in the project from the very beginning:

“It is a good offer, so we support it to the best of our capacity. I believe the testing will actually take one or two months, although we have already done enormous work to prepare for it. The program is almost ready.”

In the near future, mobile e-signature will be available both in public and private sectors in Armenia.