10:19 | 26.03.15 | News | 4429

Beeline announces “Information Technologies in my Life” contest

Beeline and College of “Eurasia” International University announced “Information Technologies in my Life” contest of essays.

The contest aims to find out the role of information technologies in the life of present day school children, how harmoniously they are employed in education programs and whether the learning process benefits from them or not.

Primary and high school students are eligible to apply. The contest starts on March 26 and will be held in two phases. The participants should send their essays to info@eiu.am from March 26 to April 17 (Phase I). During the second phase, the essays will be posted on the Facebook page of the College of “Eurasia” International University where users will be able to vote for them from April 20 to April 30.

The specialized commission comprised of the representatives of the Ministry of Education of Armenia, Beeline and the College of “Eurasia” International University will assess the submitted works as a result of which the first, second and third winners will be selected. The essay with the most Facebook “likes” will receive an encouraging prize.

“It’s impossible to picture effective education process without digital technologies. Moreover, the rapid development of this sector in Armenia has a serious impact on the formation and development of personality. I am sure this contest will not only be a reason for new revelations for the participants and promote IT in the learning process, but will also help talented young people change their life for the better with their own efforts,” said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

“Today’s students are destined to live and work in a more advanced environment of information technologies. Thus, they should not only have firm knowledge of the opportunities this sphere grants, but should also prepare for being part of the new developments of tomorrow,” said Rector of “Eurasia” International University Suren Ohanyan.

Detailed information regarding the contest is available here.