15:27 | 26.10.18 | News | 13316

Beeline and MIC Armenia announce launch of product development camp

Beeline and Microsoft Innovation Center Armenia have announced the launch of a camp held in a new format.

The camp is designed for young people with innovative solutions for various sectors, which can be developed into efficient and profitable products.

The applications for admission should be submitted here until November 14.

Teams of the top ten ideas that make it through the preliminary selection will take part in an intensive one-day workshop to meet with experts on tech and business development, and to receive consultation about their ideas, customers and possible features for their products.

The workshop will be followed by the work with mentors and later pitching to the jury of investors, entrepreneurs and IT experts. The jury will select the best two teams, who will receive funds to develop prototypes of their products.

“Hackathon is a globally accepted format, where teams are given 24 hours to develop a certain solution. We have experience in organizing such competitions, but this time we decided to take a step forward and help the teams develop their solutions, so that no good idea is lost. We want all good ideas to become products that will improve our lives,” said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.