12:16 | 07.12.17 | News | 17655

VivaCell-MTS continues the housing program in Aragatsotn

After years of waiting, the young family of Manukyans from Nerkin Bazmaberd village has solved their housing problem.

VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian and “Fuller Center for Housing” Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan visited the village to share the happiness of the fulfilled dream with the family. Just two months ago, the employees of the cooperating parties and the students who have been acquainted with VivaCell-MTS business activities owing to different programs, voluntarily participated in the concreting of sidewalks adjacent to the Manukyans’ house. Due to the joint efforts and the value system anchored on responsibility, new opportunities have been created for the young family.

Only in the current year, in Aragatsotn region six families benefitied from the project. They all have different stories, but share the same problem: years of futile efforts to build their own house. Now the situation is different: having a safe roof ahead of winter is the solution to the most crucial problem.

For years, the Manukyans, a family of 15, had lived in the family’s father, Hrach’s, paternal house. Later, in connection with Hrach’s military service, he and his family moved into a rented apartment.

“Without your help, I don't know how many years my children would continue living in foreign, rented houses. It’s a true happiness to host the people who fulfilled our cherished and seemingly-impossible dream. I am so grateful,” said the family father, Hrach.

Owing to the six-year partnership, only in Aragatsotn region 21 families have completed the construction or renovation of their half-built houses. In the same village another family renovated the roof of their house with VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian's personal donation.

“Together with our employees, students have participated in the construction works of this house. The initiative of engaging students in the program was aimed at demonstrating to the youth the importance of volunteering, the joy of achieving success with joint efforts, and the necessity to be caring and simple, irrespective of one’s position. I think we have reached our goal. These young people will propagate the same values among their peers. And today we have an important message for the hosts: we want them to be confident in themselves, set new goals and strive to achieve them as well,” said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

“Each generation has its own difficulties in life, but elementary comfort, especially for children, is a priority. Our aim is to create decent leaving conditions for as many families as possible. The example of VivaCell-MTS is the best manifestation of fighting against homelessness and making a better future in Armenia,” shared “Fuller Center for Housing” Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.  

The program has brought happiness to 150 beneficiary families, in total more than 700 people in 10 regions of Armenia, restoring their optimism and confidence in a better future.

In 2017, VivaCell-MTS invested over AMD 31 million for the implementation of the housing project; in total over AMD 370 million has been invested so far.