12:35 | 10.11.17 | News | 20308

VivaCell-MTS provides outdoor lighting system in Agarakadzor village

The Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC), with its general partner VivaCell-MTS, continues installation of energy-efficient outdoor lighting systems in the frames of the project aimed at the development of an eco-village network in Armenia.

In the first stage of the project, 51 LED lights were installed in Agarakadzor village of Areni community in Vayots Dzor region, providing outdoor lighting along a 1785m-long territory. The main streets, particularly roads to kindergarten, school, cultural house and village council building were illuminated.

Introduction of energy-efficient systems in borderland villages is one of the important steps aimed at the creation of an eco-village network. It allows the villages to integrate in a process, encompassing 4 pillars of sustainability: namely, environmental, economic, cultural and social. Due to the project, the budget expenses of the community are significantly reduced. The savings can be directed towards the solution of other community problems.  

VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian, the FPWC founder Ruben Khachatryan, Areni community head Husik Sahakyan and village residents attended the launching ceremony of the energy-efficient system.

“Development of communities remains a strategic purpose for us. We keep this in the focus of our attention throughout the years of our cooperation. In the core of these projects is the need to ensure the sustainability of villages and the well-being of villagers, not just extending a short-term support. The volume of work we have done and the amount of the money that has been invested in the projects are crucial components; however, there is a purpose more important than that: good deeds have to become a regular practice. That may take some time and may require consistency, but I am sure, the next generation will opt for that,” VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said.

Compared to regular bulbs, LED lights are more energy-efficient and durable, and can serve for a much longer period consuming 80% less electivity.

The streets of the village will be illuminated from 21:00 till 02:00 in summer, and from 18:00 till 01:00 in winter. On holidays, illumination will be provided all night long.