15:01 | 10.01.17 | News | 11077

World 10 tech trends of 2016

Singularity Hub published 10 technological trends that the chronicle believes made the world better in 2016.

We present these trends below.

1.  World hyper-connection

In 2010, 1.8 billion people were connected through the internet. Today the number is 3 billion. In 2022-2025, that number will expand to include every human on the planet, approaching 8 billion.

2.  Solar/Renewable energy became cheaper

2016 became the year when solar and renewable energy became cheaper than coal.

In December, the World Economic Forum announced that in more than 30 countries solar and wind energy is the same price or cheaper than that from coal.

This is one of the most important developments in the history of humanity, and 2016 marked a number of important milestones for renewable energy.

3. We are close to curing cancer and disease

It might be hard to believe, but discovering the cure for cancer and other diseases is near. Scientists and researchers work diligently to find new approaches to fighting these diseases, and 2016 made extraordinary progress in this regard.

4. Life expectancy grows

Singularity Hub is certain that the world is on the way to increasing human longevity. In 2016, hundreds of millions of dollars were spent on research initiatives and companies focused on extending life.

5. Success of stem cells

Stem cells are the regenerative engine of the body, which helps cure disease and extend the healthy human lifespan. In 2016, scientists discovered that stem cells can grow new human eyes.

6. Arrival of autonomous vehicle

2016 was the year of the autonomous vehicle. Although the leaders are Google, Tesla and Uber, almost every large car company is investing in autonomous vehicle production. This will be one of the most defining tech developments of the decade.

7. Drones and flying cars

We are headed towards a world where autonomous drones will image the world and take people to areas previously inaccessible by roads.

8. The march of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the most important technology humankind ever developed. We are sure it is a massive opportunity for humanity, not a threat.

Broadly, it is the ability of a computer to understand your question and give you the most accurate answer. It will also help humanity solve its biggest challenges.

9. Physics and discoveries

This year physics, as well as exploration of cosmos made a number of important steps. They are confirmation of gravitational waves with an interferometer. This discovery, first made by Albert Einstein, can become one of the most important in the decade.

10. Conquest of commercial space

We are living during the birth of the commercial space era.

SpaceX, Blue Origin, Planetary Resources and some other companies are building commercial rockets and spacecraft to explore the cosmos.