17:16 | 08.11.16 | News | 10793

VivaCell-MTS and State Youth Orchestra of Armenia launch another initiative in Gyumri

For already six years, VivaCell-MTS undertakes the general partnership of the State Youth Orchestra of Armenia.

Thanks to the long-term cooperation with Armenia’s leading telecommunications operator VivaCell-MTS, SYOA has achieved considerable progress in promoting classical music among the public.

Yet another joint initiative of VivaCell-MTS and SYOA was launched in Gyumri. It is aimed at fostering the sphere of musical education in the regions of Armenia. In the frames of the project, several master-classes will be organized in the regions for the musicians of the All-Armenian Choir and Orchestra "Generation of Independence".

22 musician-participants of the "Generation of Independence" All-Armenian program from Shirak and Tavush regions, aged 12-18, will attend master-classes of the tutors from Yerevan.

“Armenia is a country rich in cultural traditions. Our goal is to maintain and develop these traditions. These goals are easier to achieve when you have a partner and supporter like VivaCell-MTS. The company and its General Manager Ralph Yirikian have their invaluable contribution to the outreach and propagation of the classical music,” said the Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the SYOA Sergey Smbatyan.

“VivaCell-MTS supports and encourages the activities of the State Youth Orchestra. Commendable is the striving of the Orchestra to achieve even more, to continue presenting classical music to the wide public and popularizing it among the young generation. To meet these objectives, the Orchestra implements projects which are aimed at providing young musicians from regions of Armenia an opportunity to reveal their potential and hone their performing skills. Projects of this kind help to raise a new generation of musicians, fostering the preservation of Armenian cultural traditions and elements of national identity in the sphere of classical music,” said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

Thanks to the partnership with VivaCell-MTS, the State Youth Orchestra of Armenia not only has collaborated with outstanding musicians of our time, but also has presented the Armenian culture and the achievements of the Armenian performing arts school on foreign stages and within the frameworks of the most prestigious festivals.

The Youth Orchestra has also implemented an unprecedented project is Armenia: the connoisseurs of classic music are given a unique opportunity to follow all the concerts of the collective online, regardless their location.  

The initiatives of the State Youth Orchestra of Armenia, implemented owing to the partnership with VivaCell-MTS, help spread our cultural traditions to the wider public and facilitate the aesthetic education of the young generation.