15:59 | 27.08.15 | News | 4020

House built in Ararat region with VivaCell-MTS support

VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian, employees of the Company and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia team participated in the construction of the half-built house of Hayrapetyan family from Poqr Vedi community in Ararat region.

Previously the partners assisted four more families from Khor Virap (Pokr Vedi) and Marmarashen communities of the same region through housing.

The Hayrapetyans started the construction of their house 25 years ago. During this time they managed to build only the basement, where they used to live for ten years. Then their neighbor, who was going abroad, gave them his house temporarily. It took the family 15 years to build the walls of the house.

‘’My son Harutyun was born and raised in a dark and damp basement.  My husband and I couldn’t forgive ourselves that we couldn’t provide necessary living conditions for our son.  Now my son has his own family, and am so happy that finally we can live under our own roof and feel the warmth of home,’’ Raya, the family mother, said.

Through the housing project financed by VivaCell-MTS and implemented by Fuller Center for Housing Armenia 40 families have overcome the problem of building a house, leaving their worries behind.

“The most imortant place for Armenians and for the mankind in general is the home, a place where one becomes a full member of the society, where one’s hopes and dreams are born, where the past and the future interlace and become a family history. This house is a dream of a quarter of a century for this family and definitely it was worth making that dream come true,” Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan said.

“We readily and proudly partake in the realization of this program. It is a pleasure to see yet another family shrugging off its burden and regaining the hope for the future. And, of course, it is by occasion that we go beyond the purely financial support. Our employees’ readiness to join the construction works is the moral side of the issue, which is probably even more important,” mentioned VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.

To remind, in 2015 VivaCell-MTS invested AMD100 million (AMD55 million in 2014) for the realization of the project, and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia has undertaken its implementation. Through this partnership, from 2007 up to now, 53 families from different communities of the republic already have decent homes. Till the end of the year the number of the families having their houses renovated or the construction of the half-built houses completed will reach 93.