14:11 | 17.05.13 | News | 3285

Orange granted scholarships to 18 more students of Gavar and Ijevan universities

The Orange Foundation granted scholarships to 18 students of Gavar and Ijevan branches of the Yerevan State University.

The Orange Foundation transferred 2,000,000 AMD to the universities to use the amount for paying tuition fees of the students, the company informs.

The students have been selected on the proposal of the universities, based on 2 criteria – student’s academic performance and family’s financial standing. During this academic year it is planned to grant scholarships to the students of 9 universities based on the same criteria.

In the scope of this partnership the students can have their professional internship at Orange, and Orange employees conduct professional and training courses for the students. A year ago free WiFi internet corner was established in the Gavar University, which allows the students and staff of the university to use internet for educational and entertainment purposes.

“Our partnership with the universities is ongoing, and assistance to the most promising students who have difficulties in paying their tuition fees is one of the components of this partnership,” said Nazareth Seferian, General Secretary of the Orange Armenia Foundation.

Partnership of Orange with the universities of Armenia launched two years ago. In 2011-2012, the Foundation granted scholarships to 67 students of 6 universities, and in 2012-2013, scholarships will be granted to 95 students of 9 universities, including 70 students from RA regions.