07:06 | 13.09.12 | News | 3308

Armenia to host Open International Jeep-Profi Championship

Yerevan/Mediamax/. \"Adrenalin\" extreme sports association with the support of \"ArmenTel\" (Beeline trademark) organizes an Open International Championship of Jeep-Profi Off-Road Vehicles.

The tournament entitled Quadra Drive will be held in the marz of Tavush on September 15-16. The 2-day tournament will start in the town of Dilijan and will finish in Ijevan. The participants will be handed over topographic maps with description of off-road route and definite control points of the route. A participant gets definite points for each control point. The vehicle to have accumulated the biggest number of points for the least time will win, ArmenTel reported.

All all-wheel off-road vehicles of Jeep-Profi standard are eligible to take part in the tournament. For the first time in Armenia, quadrocycle drivers are also invited to take part in a tournament of such a class. The participation registration of the upcoming tournament is open by a phone number of the Armenian \"Adrenalin\" extreme sports association- 010 22-80-85.

\"I congratulate all the extreme sports lovers on the opening of the fall season. In cooperation with \"Adrenalin\" association, we open the season with new sports and new type of vehicle tournaments - Jeep- Profi. In this class of tournaments, the driver\'s success depends not only his mastership of driving and technical condition of the vehicle but on his geographical knowledge and skills of using topographical maps\", noted ArmenTel CEO Igor Klimko.

Drivers from Georgia, Russia and Iran are also invited to take part in the event. The championship is sponsored by Vitesse and Nakoil.