07:16 | 12.09.12 | News | 2665

ArmenTel representatives meet with teachers from Armavir marz

Yerevan/Mediamax/. ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) representatives met with the teachers of rural communities of Lernagog and Myasnikyan of Armavir marz.

The meeting was held within \"Improvement of Teaching Methods through Innovative Technologies\", the company reported.

The meeting focused on issues of applying information technologies in the teaching process to enhance level of mastering materials and self-education of teachers. The participants pointed out the necessity of implementation of such programs in rural communities as it\'s important to ensure equal access to information technologies and computer skills in the current reality.

The teachers stressed that the program of enhancing computer literacy is very useful as the level of knowledge and value system of the younger generation are conditioned by the professionalism, methodical skills and knowledge of teachers.

\"The modern society demands from teachers permanent improvement of their knowledge and professional skills. Conducting the courses, we help enhance the level of computer literacy among teachers and contribute to the effective application of digital technologies in the teaching processes to raise the education level in Armenia\", noted the company\'s CEO Igor Klimko in his message to the participants of the program.

\" Improvement of Teaching Methods through Innovative Technologies\" program is implemented within the memorandum of long-term cooperation between ArmenTel and Children of Armenia Fund. Over 2011, over 100 teachers from 6 schools of Armavir and Aragatsotn marzes acquired computer skills, learnt the basics of internet and principles of using information recourses in the teaching process.