12:27 | 15.05.12 | News | 3612

ArmenTel Communications Museum to be open every Friday

Yerevan/Mediamax/. The Museum of Communications which ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) opened in late April 2012 opens its doors for the visitors.

The Museum of Communications is open every Friday from 10:00 till 16:00. The entrance is free. Every Friday, the Museum offers guided tours twice a day from 10:00 till 12:00 and from 14:00 till 16:00, the company reported.

The take part in the tour with a guide the visitors should visit the Museum at 24/1 Azatutyan Str. For additional information as well as for collective excursions one can send an e-mail to org@beeline.am.

 “ArmenTel Company is glad to invite pupils, students and all those interested in the development of communications technologies to our museum. The latest communications means have become a usual thing for young people, but the provision of this service is a very hard and interesting process. By conducting regular free tours we strive to show to our visitors how communications function today, open the most brilliant pages of communications history for them, as well as tell our visitors about the achievements of our country and our company in this sphere,” ArmenTel CEO Igor Klimko said.

The Museum of Communications displays subjects and materials related to the history of development of telephone communications in Armenia on the whole and ArmenTel Company in particular, as well as exhibits illustrating modern communications technologies in the country. The exposition of the museum enables the visitors to see the evolution of communications technologies in Armenia and interesting pages from the life of Armenian telecommunications workers.