13:37 | 10.05.12 | News | 2429

74 teachers from Armenia’s rural schools took computer courses with the support of ArmenTel

Yerevan/Mediamax/. ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) and “Children of Armenia” Foundation completed the first phase of the project for increasing teachers’ computer literacy skills in Armenia’s two regions.

Starting from 27 February 2012, 74 teachers from 6 rural schools took specialized computer courses: the teachers learned new computer skills and the principels of using modern technologies in the teaching process, the company reported.

“I believe this initiative will help the teachers apply new approaches in teaching processes and the pupils will have the chance to use new sources of knowledge,” ArmenTel CEO Igor Klimko sad.

The first phase of the program was held in Armavir and Aragatsotn regions for the teachers of Dalarik, Karakert, Myasnikyan, Shenik, Aragatsavan and Arteni villages. The second phase will involve 76 teachers.