15:31 | 06.04.12 | News | 4856

Winners of “Best IT-Managers” contest to leave for Stanford in August

Yerevan/Mediamax/. The Armenian government announced “Best Managers” annual IT contest.

The announcement and invitation to participate in the contest are available here: http://www.gov.am/am/announcements/item/88/

The winners will be announced on May 15.

15-day retraining courses in Stanford Executive Institute will be conducted in August 2012.

“Synopsis Armenia” is the general organizer and “VivaCell- MTS” is the sponsor of the contest.

Managers having at least 10-year work experience in IT companies registered in Armenia are eligible to take part in the contest.

All the interested persons can fill out the application and send the relevant documents to bestit@gov.am till April 21, 2012.

The contest commission established under the Armenian Prime Minister’s decree will select the winners.