17:29 | 02.04.12 | News | 1688

Orange Foundation announces launch of a new project on International Autism Awareness Day

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Today is the International Autism Awareness Day and on this occasion Orange Foundation is launching a new project jointly with the Armenian Association of Child Psychiatrists & Psychologists, aimed at supporting autistic children and their families, helping parents of autistic children to learn how to communicate more easily with their children.

In the frames of this project parents of autistic children will be taught about the PECS tool (Picture Exchange and Communication System), which is the best tool for communicating with autistic children. This tool was taught in Armenia two years ago by “Arabkir” Medical Center and again with the support of Orange Foundation.

The project will launch on May 1 and will last for 6 months.

Parents of autistic children may apply for registration as from today, by calling 055545531 and 055443155. 
Bruno Duthoit, CEO of Orange Armenia, said: “Autism is a disorder that affects communication abilities. As a communication company, Orange cares for those groups of the society that have communication problems. France Telecom has been engaged in this domain for already 20 years. In the meanwhile, we greatly prioritize engagement of our employees in the social activities of our company. We are proud to note that besides fulfilling their work responsibilities, our employees also care for other members of society and we are happy to support them to solve small or big social problems, which they see or prioritize around them”.

Orange Foundation has allotted AMD 3 million for implementation of the project.