17:54 | 29.02.12 | News | 2921

Free courses for enhancing computer literacy of teachers start in Armenian rural regions

Yerevan/Mediamax/. ArmenTel (Beeline trademark) and “The Children of Armenia” fund (COAF) announced the start of the project of enhancing computer literacy of teachers in Armenian marzes. 

Within the first phase which started on February 27, 2012, specialized courses of enhancing computer literacy will be conducted for 74 teachers of village schools. The educational programs will allow the teachers to get new skills in working with personal computers, effectively use the opportunities of modern technologies. Thematic trainings on the internet use, educational sites and electronic educational materials are included into the program of the course, ArmenTel reported.

“Over the time of its presence on the Armenian market, Beeline has presented hundreds of computers to schools and universities of the country. Our new project is aimed at helping teachers expand their knowledge in the modern computer technique and pass on this knowledge to their pupils. Alongside with the opening of computer auditoriums and classes, the project will allow providing the younger generation of pupils of the country with both modern computer equipment and experienced teachers-coaches who will help the children to study the basics of informatics and computer literacy on the proper level”, noted ArmenTel CEO Igor Klimko.

The first phase of the project is held in the regions of Armavir and Aragatsotn for the teachers from Dalarik, Karakert, Miasnikyan, Shenik, Aragatsavan and Arteni villages.