13:06 | 13.12.11 | News | 3114

Orange offers a blog platform for internet users

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Today, Orange Armenia presented the Orange blog, where every user may create a virtual territory, share ideas, photographs, audio files and videos.

Orange Armenia CEO Bruno Duthoit said that the new Orange blog environment has a simple structure which allows downloading various formats.

“This is a novelty both in Armenia and in other countries where Orange operates: no other operator has ever offered such a platform. Being the leader of mobile internet in Armenia, Orange feels responsibility for the development and dissemination of the Armenian content in internet,” Bruno Duthoit said.

For his part, Orange Marketing Director Manager Aram Mkrtchyan said that “due to this platform blogging will be available not only for Orange subscribers but also for all those who have an internet access.”

According to him, users may register in the blog at www.orangeblog.am as well as by sending SMS -message “to 2564 short number from their Orange number. In their message the users should write the following: Ok – space - email address”.

Orange subscribers may connect the blog profile to their mobile number and receive all the notifications on their phone, as well as by means of sending free SMS and MMS messages to 2564 short number with the message “change the status”, download photos and videos.