15:05 | 24.06.10 | News | 3067

Orange Armenia launched voice services in HD quality

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Orange Armenia operator announced the launch of voice services with High Definition sound quality today.

Mediamax reports that speaking at a news conference in Yerevan today, Vice-President of France Telecom Olaf Swantee stated that Armenia became the second country in the world (after Moldova, where Orange is present as well), where the voice service of next generation is being launched.

Vice-President of France Telecom noted that Orange Armenia is becoming a “smithy” of innovations and new quality standards for the entire Group of Companies.

Orange Armenia Marketing Director Aram Mkrtchyan stated that HD sound “eliminates the distance between the interlocutors”. At the news conference, they made demonstration calls, and “Lorik” of Komitas was played with HD sound quality through a cell phone.

In order to use the new service, one should purchase a cell phone, supporting HD sound (Nokia cell phone costing 125 thousand AMD), which is already put to sale at Orange Armenia stores.