15:28 | 08.06.10 | News | 3170

Beeline offers connecting to its landline network by installment

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Today Beeline announced a new opportunity to get connected to its landline connection network.

By December 31, 2010, individuals and legal entities, who want to install landline telephone line of Beeline, will be able to pay for connection by installment during 12 months, Mediamax was informed in the press service of the company today.

“Simultaneously with development and implementation of new technologies, our company constantly improves commercial mechanisms for provision of its services as well. This allows us increasing their affordability for wide layers of the population”, General Director of “ArmenTel” Igor Klimko stated.

The opportunity to pay for the cost of connection by installment is provided to residents of Yerevan and all regions of Armenia.

At present, the cost of connection to landline network of Beeline makes 12 thousand AMD for individuals and 14 400 AMD for legal entities.