14:02 | 29.04.10 | News | 3085

Checks on presence of pirated software support to be held in large companies in Armenia

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Checks on presence of “pirated” software support (SS) will be help in large Armenian companies.

Mediamax reports that representative of Business Soft Alliance (BSA), as well as the interests of Microsoft in Armenia Narine Mkrtchyan said this in Yerevan today.

She did not name definite dates for the checks, noting that the Armenian Police and SS experts will visit companies, which have received urges and warnings of BSA to shift to licensed SS.

According to Narine Mkrtchyan’s assessments, the level of pirated software support use among Armenian companies makes 90%. “Microsoft will not insist upon licensed SS for home users, however it will continue struggle against use of pirated operational systems and software by entities, which gain profit from that”, she noted.

Narine Mkrtchyan informed that in February, BSA and the Armenian Police organized checks in 4 stores of computer equipment in the center of Yerevan, as a result of which they revealed that the stores sold computers with unlicensed operational system.

As Mediamax was previously informed in Armenian representative office of Microsoft, the majority of Yerevan stores of computer equipment possess licenses for Microsoft SS sale, however at that many of them continue spreading unlicensed SS.