13:44 | 10.03.10 | News | 3281

“ArmenTel” intends to introduce “Mobile Etiquette” Charter in Armenia

Yerevan/Mediamax/. Forum of children’s rights protection specialists was launched in Yerevan today within the framework of “Secure Mobile Connection: Opportunities for Children’s Development” program.

Mediamax reports that at the forum, they will consider the draft of “Mobile Etiquette” Charter, elaborated by “VimpelCom” Group of Companies for the countries of its presence.

Head of “ArmenTel” (Beeline trademark) Public Relations Service Anush Begloyan stated that 80-90% of Armenian schoolchildren use cell phones and adults face the task of providing for competent and safe use.

The Charter draft provides for the following actions:

- Turn off one’s personal cell phone in cases, when use of radio connection may endanger the life of other people (aircraft, surgical medical complexes, etc.)
- Turn off one’s cell phone or shift to silent mode during performances, film showings, concerts, in museums and exhibition halls, during ceremonies and rituals.
- Refrain from using one’s cell phone while driving, etc.

Anush Begloyan informed that if the Charter is approved, “Mobile Etiquette” should be widely spread among schoolchildren.