10:35 | 29.05.09 | News | 4126

Robert Kocharian may become the Independent Director of Russsian “Sistema”

Yerevan /Mediamax/. Second President of Armenia Robert Kocharian may become the Independent Director of “Sistema” Stock Financial Corporation.

Mediamax reports referring “Kommersant” that Robert Kocharian’s candidature was nominated on May 28 and may be approved on June 27 at the general meeting of the company’s shareholders.

Besides the Ex-President of Armenia, founder of Shyam Group of India Rajiv Mehrotra, whose company, jointly with “Sistema” SFC, owns the Indian mobile operator Sistema Shyam TeleServices, is also nominated for the position of “Sistema” SFC Independent Director.

“Mr. Kocharian has excellent knowledge of the markets of CIS countries, in which our subsidiary companies work - MTS, “Comstar-OTS”, “Sitronics”, he possesses unique experience of international cooperation and enjoys significant respect in the business community of Russia and the abroad”, press service of “Sistema” noted.

Among “Sistema” SFC assets in Armenia are WiMax operator “Cornet AM”, “K-Telecom” mobile connection operator (VivaCell-MTS brand), “Mars” factory and three scientific-research institutions.