14:18 | 03.08.20 | News | 16346

Construction works resume in border village of Aygepar

Two weeks ago, the construction of a half-built house in Aygepar was underway, but the works had to stop because of the shelling launched in the direction of Tavush.

“The shooting started after work, when we just got home. We had to go to a shelter. In the morning, when we came out, we saw that the village kindergarten had been shelled. The shelling had damaged the newly installed windows and doors of my house that is under construction. All this is not news for us - we were born and raised here. But we don’t give in to psychological pressure,” said the young lady of the house, Hermine Kalantaryan.

Now the construction has resumed in Aygepar. Viva-MTS and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia are determined to complete the project. Long-time partners are doing everything in their power. Visits and video calls help them to follow the progress of the program.

“We need to convey faith and an important message to our compatriots living on the border: stay in your native villages and build them up. It is important not only for them, but for all of us. This program allows it. The existing problems are temporary. The result is more important. The soldiers guard the border, and we support them through the housing program. We are the economic soldiers, so to say. This is how we try to be useful,” said Viva-MTS general Manager Ralph Yirikian.

“Although we work with restrictions these days, we try to do as much as possible during the visits. We follow the work process, sign contracts and engage new families, and we keep in mind possible additions, with the consent of Viva-MTS. People living on the other side of the border also see all that. They must understand that Armenians stand tall on their land,” said President of Fuller Center for Housing Armenia Ashot Yeghiazaryan.

Several families will celebrate housewarming in Aygepar before the year-end.