13:52 | 08.11.19 | News | 12013

Beeline concludes its largest yet landline network modernization project

Beeline has concluded the largest landline network modernization project in the company’s history. Over the first 10 months of 2019, Beeline worked towards increasing internet speed in Yerevan by 50 times.

The project has been completed ahead of the schedule and now the 1-million population of Yerevan can use Beeline’s 100MB/s internet.

“Here at the Monitoring Center Beeline’s specialists oversee the operation of our entire network. You could say it is the heart of the network, all these cables are like arteries securing landline connection and internet for hundreds of thousands of families. It feels great to know that our network makes it possible for so many people to communicate at any moment. It feels twice as good to know that the network has become several times better,” said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.

“I would like to thank everyone involved for this achievement. We have completed large-scale works: over 500km of cables was installed in Yerevan. For comparison, the territory of Armenia from north to south makes about 360 km. Now our network complies will all modern standards and it is ready to offer new, ambitious solutions to our subscribers,” said Beeline Armenia CTO Maksim Levin.

To mark the completion of the project, Beeline has launched a promotion: all subscribers who join Combo tariff plans before year-end will access internet of up to 100MB/s speed.