11:25 | 25.07.19 | News | 11864

VivaCell-MTS supports building of a new home from foundation

Active construction works are underway in Mrgastan village of Armavir region. A home is being built from foundation for Hasoyan family who has lived in an 18 sqm metal container for many years. With the support of partner organizations, VivaCell-MTS and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia, the construction works, started in May, already have a visible result; the walls are built, the roofing is done.

Three months ago, the Hasoyans couldn't even hope that summer season would be busy not only with harvesting, but also with the rewarding activities of building their dream home. Today, with the help of volunteers working in construction site, they are full of hope that they will very soon become homeowners. Sidewalk concreting works are being done with great pace. The inside renovation works are planned to be finished in fall.

The 18 square meter metal container and the memories of 8 difficult years will be soon left in the past.

“There were 12 of us living in the house of my husband's parents. We had to move into the metal container. It's very difficult to live in a very small area with growing children; the only room of the metal container serves as a bedroom, a living room and a bathroom at the same time. Now a new life begins for us. All members of my family are so excited. We try to believe that the walls built will be ours, and that this is a reality,” said Zarineh.

“Any implemented program requires reporting. Most often it is about figures. Speaking of having built some 200 houses in the course of years is a way of reporting on implemented projects. Yet, more important is the report we have deep in our hearts. Seeing smiling eyes of those getting back to normal life and looking for the future with optimism is the best way of showing that the program has been a success. Humanity and responsibility are best results. I am happy and proud of our continuous partnership,” VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said.

''The 200th milestone home being built through VivaCell-MTS and the Fuller Center for Housing Armenia partnership is rising from foundation. In this sense, the Hasoyan family house is unique. This is the first case in the program. For us, the number of houses built is a milestone, and for the family the year will be a milestone year,'' said Fuller Center for Housing Armenia president Ashot Yeghiazaryan.

This year, VivaCell-MTS has invested around AMD 109 mln for the housing project, as a result of which 43 families will be assisted.