10:53 | 27.09.18 | News | 12936

VivaCell-MTS helps to solve housing problem for one more family

The willingness to be useful to the country and the society yet again united the volunteers of VivaCell-MTS and Fuller Center for Housing Armenia. As a result of the joint project, construction works are being carried out in various regions of the country.

The housebuilding activities are led by the heads of the partnering organizations, who value the role of volunteering with own example. People with different professions are excited about the idea and desire of being helpful to those in need. This time the construction works were held in the yard of the Avdalyan family’s house.

The family from the village Nerkin Bazmaberd, Aragatsotn region, has started the construction of its house eight years ago, but didn’t manage to finish it. The half-built house was an unfulfilled dream until recently. This time the task set for the volunteers was to build moist protection for the house by concreting the pavements around it.

Sarmen Avdalyan’s family – his wife and two sons – lives in Sarmen’s parental home. Here the conditions are not enough even for one family. Because of the lack of enough room for living, Sarmen’s brother has postponed his marriage. The young family will move to a new house by the end of the year making this issue solvable.

“We are a diligent family living and working in the village day and night. It seemed that it should be enough to achieve our goal; yet, working hard for years we only managed to build the walls and do the roof. Were it not for your support, our dream home might have been left unfulfilled for a long time,” said Sarmen.

“I am proud to see people of various professions share a common system of values. For many years now employees of VivaCell-MTS and Fuller Center for Housing volunteer in the regions of the republic. Each and every one of them has his or her way of thinking, perceptions, and ways of evaluating things and approaches and everyone has had his or her path in life. Yet, they are united by an urge to be useful to our compatriots. We are sure this is a rightful way to build a home and a country,” VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian said.

“Building a home is the most important and vital goal for every family. The four walls and the safe roof are not just a place of living, but also a cornerstone for creating a future and an environment, where one can dream of future. I think the hand we have stretched to this family will help it stand more firmly on the soil. The experience of years shows that families easily solve all other problems,” said Fuller Center for Housing Armenia President Ashot Yeghiazaryan.

The program has brought not only happiness, but has also created a possibility of optimism for many families in all regions of Armenia.