14:42 | 06.07.18 | Articles | exclusive 158871

Daily routine at Beeline, Part III

Armenia is a home to a large number of IT companies. They vary in size, field of operation and work environment.

Itel.am’s new series reveals specific features of the work routine at Armenian IT companies.

Telecommunication company VEON Armenia (Beeline trademark) was founded in 1995 by the decision of the Armenian Ministry of Communications jointly with Trans-World Telecom, an American company.

Since 2008, VEON Armenia provides GSM 900/1800, 3G (UMTS) and 4G (LTE) standard mobile communication, fixed telephony and Internet access based on CDMA, ADSL and FTTB technologies under Beeline brand nationwide.

VEON Armenia is a part of VEON, one of the world’s largest integrated telecommunications services operators. The Armenian office employs around 2000 people.

Naira Nazaryan, Head of PR

I have worked at Beeline for many years and held different positions in the company. Now I lead the PR and corporate social responsibility department.

Naira Nazaryan Naira Nazaryan

I come to work very early. I am in the office by 8 a.m. and I have to say, those morning hours are the most productive. My work is of creative nature which requires a fresh mind, and the open space office helps because it maintains a creative environment. We can discuss new ideas on the spot and find unusual solutions together, and it happens very quickly.

We work around the clock, really, and stay accessible on weekends. We engage with all departments and I have noticed that the open space office maximizes the efficiency of communication, making it as operative as possible.

I know everyone at work by face. As I also communicate with Beeline’s partners outside the office, sometimes I feel like I know each passerby, but I cannot recall how I know them (laughs – Itel.am).

Arshak Muradyan, Head of Transformation

We develop and introduce modern business models, new digital technologies and innovations along with managing the company’s portfolio of strategic programs.

Arshak Muradyan Arshak Muradyan

Telecom business is in quite a serious decline both in Armenia and worldwide, because people no longer make international calls, preferring to use messengers instead. That is why companies in this business find it difficult to compete with quickly developing, flexible messenger providers. To solve this issue, Beeline is transforming its business model so that our customers can use both Beeline services and main means of communication and we as a mobile operator can respond fast to our clients’ requirements.

The transformation team consists of four people and we have seven other specialists working in on digital programs Scrum team. Our transformation team also has a regional IT center, where 15 leading experts provide services to clients from 5 countries of the region.

I wake up early and arrive at work at 8 a.m. I like going to the office early, watching the morning break out. Usually, a couple of my colleagues are already in the office when I come, so we gather together and talk about different topics. The working day starts with a team discussion on current projects and daily tasks. We regularly communicate with global teams working for Beeline in other countries and at times we need to stay late at the office because of time zone differences.

The transformed Beeline introduces a new working and business environment. Work culture is essentially new digital products that fall in line with global trends. The new work culture starts with the launch of open space, as well as fresh value system in the company, since change of employees’ mindset is yet another driving force in the way of development. This facilitates communication between the employees and increases the efficiency of working process.

Lusine Yeghyan, Compliance Manager

I have worked at Beeline for a year and half. Compliance Department ensures correspondence of the company’s activity with both internal and international norms and legal acts. Particularly, we deal with proper study of partners and regulations if we observe conflict of interests, which allows us to avoid corruption cases in the company’s operation. This is a new phenomenon in Armenian business reality and it isn’t always perceived fully. However, we can tell that the international experience of compliance has successfully been incorporated at Beeline and continues to develop.

Lusine Yeghyan Lusine Yeghyan

Our team involves 3 people. We are consistently in touch with our employees and business partners. Among the characteristics of working at Beeline, I would like to mention the open space, which has facilitated our communication and working process. Besides, active contacts with the partners give us the opportunity to always follow and quickly respond to their issues and deliver the required messages to the employees on time.

Vahe Tumanyan, Marketing Internet Television Expert

I have worked here for 2 months. I am responsible for product development. Fixed television is now being transformed into Internet TV. We also make apps for various gadgets.

Vahe Tumanyan Vahe Tumanyan

I like the freedom and flexibility that I’ve got here. I make decisions and take the responsibility on my own.

I remember when I first came here and saw the open space format. I was shocked at the beginning, as I was used to working in a separate room.

In a week I understood that open space helps focus and directly communicate with co-workers. Anyway, if you have need for extra concentration, we have a separate room for that too.

Narek Atshemyan, Product manager, Digital office

I work on the development of app and web versions.

 Narek Atshemyan Narek Atshemyan

I used to work in a separate room at my previous workplace. Open space was inconvenient at first, but shortly the feeling changed. It is a more open and free environment, which facilitates the team work.

I have worked at Beeline for 7 months. Our team often spends time together after work, and recently we have gone fishing.

Aramayis Avetisyan, Corporate Sales Senior Specialist

I have worked at the company for 6 months now. We study the demands of Armenia’s legal entities from telecom market, trying to elaborate maximally interesting innovative offers.

Aramayis Avetisyan Aramayis Avetisyan

We have a team of 15. Beeline offers an important benefit for young people working at the company: on one hand, Beeline can motivate and inspire ambitions, and on the other, the company gives the opportunities and tools to make those ambitions a reality.

Narine Daneghyan
Photos by Emin Aristakesyan