14:24 | 29.06.18 | Articles | exclusive 163676

Daily routine at Beeline, Part II

Armenia is a home to a large number of IT companies. They vary in size, field of operation and work environment.

Itel.am’s new series reveals specific features of the work routine at Armenian IT companies.

Telecommunication company VEON Armenia (Beeline trademark) was founded in 1995 by the decision of the Armenian Ministry of Communications jointly with Trans-World Telecom, an American company.

Since 2008, VEON Armenia provides GSM 900/1800, 3G (UMTS) and 4G (LTE) standard mobile communication, fixed telephony and Internet access based on CDMA, ADSL and FTTB technologies under Beeline brand nationwide.

VEON Armenia is a part of VEON, one of the world’s largest integrated telecommunications services operators. The Armenian office employs around 2000 people.

Syuzanna Akritova, Head of Legal and Administrative Affairs Department, Legal Directorate

I have worked at Beeline for 17 years and led this team for 10 years. The team involves 7 people.

My duty is to represent the interests of the company in Armenian courts and state structures.

Syuzanna Akritova Syuzanna Akritova
photo © Mediamax

My day starts at 7 a.m., as I am a mother of three.

We have incorporated new conditions of work this year. Employees can work remotely for certain period of time. It gives you the sense of freedom.

Owing to open space, our team feels unified without being divided into departments or positions. Beeline is a unified team, and we don’t have any personal desks, so everyone can chose the one which feels convenient.

We also have a great canteen, where we celebrate birthdays and other special events.

Sona Avetisyan, Senior Manager for Fixed network mass marketing

I have worked at Beeline for 4 years now. Our team has 5 employees.

I started my career at Beeline at the sales department and moved to the marketing team in 2 years. My job implies dealing with all departments and teams.

Sona Avetisyan Sona Avetisyan
photo © Mediamax

Open space allows us to be more engaged and active. Everyone is available and the working process is quite fast.

We don’t have any employee-manager hierarchic restrictions. Staffers can freely ask managers any question and receive a relevant response.

We visit places of entertainment mainly with our commercial unit, a team of around 50.

The whole Beeline team gathers during the corporate event once a year.

Ani Abrahamyan, Roaming Technical Testing and Support Leading Specialist

I have worked at Beeline for 6 years. The roaming team involves 6 people.

Ani Abrahamyan Ani Abrahamyan
photo © Mediamax

We sign agreements with operators from various countries to enable our subscribers to use our services in foreign networks and vice versa. Before we sign the agreements, we perform technical checkups and tests, which is my responsibility.

My work starts at 9 a.m. We often have so much work that we have to stay after 6 p.m. to finish it.

Our main goal is to do the daily tasks we planned on the given day.

I stay accessible on weekends and in off hours too, because customers in roaming might have problems and contact me for help.

Open space has its rules and we learned them before moving here. One of the rules is that you greet everyone at once, without approaching each colleague separately, otherwise it becomes a mess (laughs – Itel.am).

Hovhannes Karapetyan, Chief Power Engineer

I have been working in Beeline since December 1, 2017. We have teams in different marzes of Armenia.

My working day starts with reports from the teams. You could say it doesn’t end, because the reports come at night too. In the morning, I discuss them with heads of various departments.

Hovhannes Karapetyan Hovhannes Karapetyan
photo © Mediamax

What I like the most at Beeline is that there are no stereotypes about the boss being inaccessible or always right. Here any employee knows they should create something by themselves and bring profit to the company.

As for power engineering, it is important to me that Beeline has adopted a green policy. We will integrate types of renewable energy in our work in the near future, and we have already replaced all light bulbs in the offices with LED ones.

Now we are working toward integration of energy-efficient solutions for Beeline’s antennas and mobile and fixed communication stations.

Lala Hovhannisyan, Corporate Sales Senior Specialist

I have been working for Beeline for a year now. My team consists of 15 people.

My job is to introduce Beeline’s corporate clients to our services. We work with SMEs and large companies, as well as with state agencies.

Lala Hovhannisyan Lala Hovhannisyan
photo © Mediamax

Most of my work takes place outside our office, because I meet with the clients at theirs. I usually come to work in the morning and then I’m in Beeline office at lunch time and in the evening, when we conclude the day’s work.

For me personally, the special feature of work in Beeline is that we don’t have a tense atmosphere. We have great conditions to work and rest, which gives us fresh energy. We have everything we need to be productive and avoid fatigue and bad mood.

Narine Daneghyan 

Photos by Emin Aristakesyan