11:30 | 29.06.18 | News | 14183

    Beeline holds Customer Day

    Beeline announced Customer Day today.

    During the event, top managers and employees of the company (about 110 people) will spend the day working with Beeline clients in the sales and customer care offices in Yerevan and different marzes of the country.

    The managers will visit 56 offices, of which 29 in marzes.

    “Today Beeline Armenia took yet another step toward subscribers. We personally work with every client, listen to their suggestions and questions. Customer Day is an efficient tool for introducing our latest services and answering to questions of the subscribers. I would like to note that we also provide our subscribers with Customer Voice project, within the frames of which more than 100 managers including Beeline CEO and heads of various departments contact the subscribers to give fast and efficient solutions to their issues,” Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin said.

    The Customer Day is announced at Beeline every 3 months.

    Beeline subscribers are offered to leave feedback about the company by making comments and assessments after applying to offices or customer service centers of the company.

    Beeline received and processed over 150 000 applications last year.