17:23 | 20.10.17 | News | 23182

VivaCell-MTS supports two green events in Garni

Two green events: the opening of electric bicycles’ station and the launch of modernized outdoor illumination system took place in the ancient Garni village rich with historical and architectural monuments.  

The opening of the e-bike station of the Green Mobility project took place in the frames of SunChild 7th International Environmental Festival.

The Green Mobility e-bike station is equipped with solar panels and batteries. The bicycles are charged only by solar energy not emitting any harmful substances into the atmosphere. One of the main aims of the e-bike station installment in Garni is tourism promotion.

VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian, the FPWC Founder Ruben Khachatryan, Head of Garni community Aharon Sahakyan, Deputy Ministers of Nature Protection, Economic Development and Investments, Energy Infrastructure and Natural Resources and Agriculture of the RA took part in the bicycles` station opening ceremony. After the ceremony the participants rode e-bikes to Garni temple and back.

It is possible to charge or rent e-bikes in the bicycles station.  Green Mobility is implemented by the support of the UNDP/GEF Small Grants Programme, VivaCell-MTS and the FPWC. The aim of the project is the promotion of e-bikes as an alternative transportation means, which do not contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

“The opening of the e-bikes station is a nice impetus for healthy lifestyle, development of cultural and environmental tourism in Armenia, nature protection, as well as a precondition for the creation of comfortable conditions for bicycle riders. Not every person is able to move easily by mechanical bikes, taking into consideration the geographical specifications of our country. In this matter there is no alternative to the construction of electrical engine bikes infrastructure”, the General Manager of VivaCell-MTS Ralph Yirikian said.

47 LED lights illuminating more than 2 km long territory were installed in Garni in  the first stage of outdoor illumination system modernization in the frames of Alternative Energy project implemented due to the cooperation of the Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets and VivaCell-MTS.

The former outdoor illumination system of the village was not energy efficient, consumed more electricity than expected providing not enough illumination. The former system’s lights were 5-6 times more energy consuming than the newly installed energy efficient and environmentally friendly LED lights.     

The introduction of energy efficient outdoor LED lightening systems in the settlements intends to economize community means. Use of environmentally friendly and energy efficient LED lights is economically beneficial since it will curtail energy consumption by 80% thus contributing to communities` welfare.

In summer outdoor illumination of the village will be provided from 21:00 to 00:00, and in winter from 18:00 to 23:00. During holidays illumination will be provided for the whole night.