15:21 | 20.10.17 | News | 22447

Beeline supports the launch of Hackathon 2017

Beeline Armenia and Microsoft Innovation Center Armenia kicked off a hackathon at Tumo Center for Creative Technologies.

The hackathon is aimed at encouraging creative young people to use the capacities of modern technologies and make digital, innovation solutions.

Big Data application as the method for telecommunication solutions is the main area of focus of the hackathon. More than 40 teams applied for the contest and 25 were selected to develop and pitch trial solutions within 24 hours. The contest jury will choose the best two works, with the volume of the work done in 24 hours, innovativeness and applicability of the solutions serving as criteria for assessment.

“We operate in telecommunications sector so we’re extremely interested in innovative solutions that concern our field of work. They help us provide modern, interesting and useful services to our customers. Of course, it isn’t done in a day and our company constantly works on new solutions. Therefore, I’m happy to be here today and to see so many young people who are interested in innovative technologies and have new ideas. That’s exactly the approach we want to encourage among the youth, and we are certain that can change people’s lives for the better,” said Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.