11:08 | 05.09.16 | Articles | exclusive 27626

Pokémon Go and Armenia

Pokémon Go, created by Niantic company, is the most popular and discussed game of this summer.   

Launched on July 6, this game is available foriOS and Android operating systems. It gained recognition all over the worldonly a week after the release, raising USD 8mln for Nintendo, the owner of Pokémon brand.

The core idea of Pokémon Go is traveling for Pokémon hunt. The game encourages getting out of home and interacting with other players.

Itel.am discussed the Armenian perspectives of the game with NarekTamazyan,administrator of PokemonGO page in Armenia.

According to Tamazyan, the game may generate interest in Armenia, though it has not yet been officially presented in our country, which makes it impossible to directly download the game from AppStore or Google Play.  

“If the game is in demand, and the page has more followers, we will be able to officially apply the developer company with the suggestion to officially launch the game in Armenia,” NarekTamazyan said.

Administrator of PokemonGO Armenia page informedthat today there aremany followers in Armenia, who downloaded the game from other web pages.

“This is really dangerous, because downloading from other web pages may result in emergence of various viruses on smartphones. I myself downloaded the game from one of Russian pages, as there is no Armenian page now where one can download the game safely. If nevertheless, you decide to download from another page, examine the given web page and pay attention to the comments below,”NarekTamazyan highlighted.

Speaking about Pokémon Go features,NarekTamazyannoted that the game is different from others, as it encourages getting out of home, moving and gettingacquainted with the city.  

As a negative side of the game NarekTamazyam singled out the fact that people out there, engaging into the game, lose diligence, which sometimes causes accidents. Another two cons: the game does rare updates, so the players need to have a more powerful smartphone.

Narine Daneghyan