06:56 | 15.06.16 | Articles | exclusive 8999

In the world’s tech heart - Google from the inside

You can get from San Francisco to Silicon Valley in an hour. It’s a historical day for me - I am going to Google Headquarters.

Uber driver and I discuss the U.S. presidential campaign, talk about San Francisco security issues. Hearing about Armenia, the driver exclaims, “Kardashians!”

I get to Google at lunchtime, and many people are outside the buildings. They walk mostly in groups, or rather in specialized groups, as their t-shirts hint - Google Maps, Google Now, etc.

Involuntarily, I recall this idea from Silicon Valley TV series: “That’s weird, they always travel in groups of five. These programmers, there’s always a tall skinny white guy, a short skinny Asian guy, fat guy with a ponytail, some guy with crazy facial hair and then an East Indian guy. It’s like they trade guys until they all have the right group,” says Hooli Director Gavin Belson in the series. But let’s go back to Google.

Google is an attractive workplace for almost all web-developers, but not everyone can pass the interview. I walk and think that I am probably surrounded by the best web-developers in the world. It’s nice, of course, to spend several hours with super smart people, and if you add the shadow from tropical trees that cools midday heat, and beautiful low-rise buildings, - Google is a wonderful place.

“Google state” is diverse, as far as I can see, with the majority of web-developers having Indian and Asian heritage. Armenians aren’t a few either. Although there are no certain numbers, around 100-200 Armenians work at Google. I met three of them on that day. By the way, special thanks go to Google Now Software Engineer Ara Avanesyan for receiving me in the company.

Let’s speak about the advantages of Google and start from what matters the most - the food is free.

From chips to Malaysian cuisine - even the most sophisticated foodies will be satisfied.

Google colourful bicycles make the territory look inviting. The staff often use them to get to other Google buildings, as the company is really huge.

Electric cars are a fashion among Google staff, that is why there are many places to charge them.

This is a classic workplace of a Google employee.

A Google Street View car. It’s controlled by Google Maps and Google Earth, allowing to view many cities of the world in 360 degrees.

Even staircases didn’t escape creativity. This is what stairs look like in one of Google buildings.

Google staff can use this opportunity at any moment and have a good rest. They say sleeping in this place guarantees sweet dreams.

If you get too lazy to go down the floor by foot, use the slide. Contrary to elevators, it still works if electricity is off.


We get on the 39th floor of Marriott Hotel, on of the highest skyscrapers of San Francisco, which opens an amazing view on the city.

It seems, people should pause conversations about technologies after a long workday, but a group of investors right at the next table are discussing yet another six-digit deal.

San Francisco is the world’s technological heart. It attracts everyone despite its not so well-established transport system, high number of the homeless, and huge rents. People come here from all corners of the world to test their “technological luck”. Here 90% of startups fail, which allows the rest 10% to found future Googles and Facebooks.

Narine Daneghyan
Photos: Mediamax