10:20 | 20.04.16 | News | 4791

Beeline to present internship program at Education and Career Expo

Beeline will present to students of senior courses an internship program in the framework of the 16th international exposition, Education and Career Expo 2016.

The exposition will be held on April 20-22 at Yerevan EXPO exhibitions complex.

Apart from the internship program, Beeline will present “Local sales manager” program of Beeline internet services, which aims to provide jobs for young people and students.

Beeline will offer students a paid 9-month internship in various departments of the company. By the results of the program, best interns will have an opportunity to get a regular job at Beeline.

“Beeline offers every student an individual internship program and appoints a personal supervisor. Interns will have an opportunity to participate in current projects of the company, as well as fulfill interesting tasks that provide practical use of their knowledge. Work experience at a large company, the largest communication operator in the country, will surely be a good start for young specialists in their future careers and will help change their lives for the better. For us, as an innovative company, this is a wonderful opportunity to bring purposeful and talented interns into our ranks,” noted Beeline Armenia CEO Andrey Pyatakhin.