12:30 | 21.03.16 | Articles | exclusive 4437

    The success of the blue bird: Twitter is 10 years old

    Twitter celebrates its 10th anniversary today.

    The company founder Jack Dorsey wrote the first tweet on March 21, 2006.

    Today, after 10 years, Twitter has more than 320 mln active subscribers monthly, 80% of whom enter the microblog using mobile devices.

    From cultural and sport activities to elections and revolution: the blue bird of the microblog has “talked about a lot” during these 10 years, contributing in important decision making as well.

    “Starting in Australia on 3/21 and spreading all over the world, we are thankful for these incredible 10 years to all of you. Love, Twitter”, the microblog Twitted that today.

    It’s worth mentioning that #LoveTwitter official hashtag is leading top 10 worldwide trends today.

    Twitter has 3900 employees all over the world in 35 offices and is available in 35 languages. The headquarters are in San Francisco. It is also worth mentioning that only 21% of the subscribers use Twitter from the U.S.

    Katy Perry (84 764 675), Justin Bieber (77 428 252) and Taylor Swift (73 181 763) have the most followers on Twitter.

    Twitter is actively used by 25 000 people in Armenia. Although this indicator is far from the number of Facebook users, the number of Twitter users is rising year by year.

    Armenian segment in Twitter comes up every year in commemoration of the Armenian Genocide, as well as during opposition rallies, sometimes even during emergencies. Armenians are active on Twitter also when Facebook temporary errors occur.

    Some of the most famous Armenian hashtags on Twitter are- #ArmenianGenocide, #ElectricYerevan, #armvote13.

    P.S. Some numbers, in the end.

    Narine Daneghyan