14:53 | 29.01.16 | News | exclusive 8616

    Report: 70% of Armenia’s population actively use internet

    Armenia is included in Digital in 2016 and 2016 Digital Yearbook reports on world digital, social and mobile usage, which provide information on 232 countries by We Are Social agency.

    According to the report, 70% of Armenia’s population (2.13 million people out of 3.02
    million) are active internet users. 29% of population (890 thousand people) are active
    social media users. The number of people actively using social media from mobile
    devices is 680 thousand, which makes 23% of population, and 3.66 million people have
    mobile connection (this number presents the amount of mobile subscriptions and not

    Thus, the biggest index of internet usage index belongs to the following countries:

    -Iceland- 98% of the population or 324 518 people
    -Bermuda- 97% of the population or 68 280 people
    -Norway- 96% of the population or 5 047 528 people
    -Denmark- 96% of the population or 5 452 151 people
    -Andora- 96% of the population or 82 148 people

    The last places are occupied by Chad (2.5% of the population or 356 678 people), Nigeria (2% of the population or 395 990 people) and North Korea (0.03% of the population or 7200 people).
    Globally speaking, there are 3.42 bln Internet users in the world (or 46% of world’s population), 2.31 mln people use social media websites (31%), 3.79 personal mobile users (51%) and 1.97 people use social network websites on their phones (27%).

    You can learn more about Digital in 2016 report here.
    2016 Digital Yearbook details are available here.