11:42 | 27.01.16 | News | exclusive 3760

    Dictoro- available in Armenian

    Armenian Dictoro sport portal, where you can guess the scores of European football matches is already available in Armenian.

    The portal’s founder Hayk Aramyan told Itel.am about it.

    “We launched the multilingual interface a week ago. Armenian was added taking into consideration the fact that most of our audience is from Armenia. The platform is now available in 3 languages (Armenian, Russian, and English). One of the main reasons for having a multilingual interface is entering the international market. We will soon add French, German, Portuguese and try to work in countries speaking those languages”, said Hayk Aramyan.

    Dictoro currently has 400 active visitors every day: Hayk Aramyan also finds interesting the fact that some of the visitors use Dictoro not only to guess the scores, but to follow the match results.

    Dictoro’s Android version currently has 300 downloaders, which, according to Hayk Aramyan, is a great result if we consider the fact that most of them are from Armenia. The platform’s iOS version will launch in about a month.

    Narine Daneghyan