15:33 | 23.11.15 | News | 5407
Upon the initiative of a number of ICT companies, Union of Employers of Information and Communication Technologies has been established in Armenia with the aim of presenting and defending rights and interests of ICT employers.
The plans and the mission of the newly-formed Union were presented during a press conference by founding president of Unicomp CJSC Armen Baldryan, President of UMB(E)A Arsen Ghazaryan, Executive Director of the Union of Employers of Information and Communication Technologies Lilit Gevorgyan.
The union will give an opportunity to maintain relationships between employers based on mutual respect, reflect the emerging demands of the field in the applicable legislation, foster small and medium businesses, create favorable conditions for their development, and encourage entrepreneurship in ICT sphere.
Among the objectives of the Union is training of specialists in ICT and ICT-related spheres, modernization of ICT educational programs in schools, vocational and higher education institutions in accordance with the best international standards. It is planned to contribute to the growth of local and foreign investments, as well as to provide business and legal consultation, etc.
Taking into account the huge potential of Armenia in the sphere of ICT, the Union of Employers of Information and Communication Technologies will focus on school and higher education systems, implementing projects and initiatives aimed at bringing basic ICT education at schools and universities to a new level. At the same time, the Union intends to support and realize projects targeted at ensuring synergy between educational institutions and ICT companies.
Special attention will be given to presenting Armenia as a key ICT player in the international market, ensuring active participation of Armenia in international Olympiads and contests, as well as engaging international organizations in the initiatives of the Union of Employers of Information and Communication Technologies.
To meet the defined objectives the Union is going to work in close collaboration with the RA Government, local and state administrative bodies, organizations in ICT and related spheres, international agencies and institutions, as well as state, public and ICT organizations of other countries.
“The ICT sector has become the driver of the economy "without borders". In these new realities, it is imperative to achieve consolidation of the employers of the ICT and related spheres, to achieve drastic improvement of productivity, synergy between science and economy, increase economic cooperation with international structures. I'm more than sure that the newly-formed Union of ICT Employers will act as a catalyst in encouraging the above-mentioned processes," Armen Baldryan, the Chairman of the Union of the Employers of Information and Communication Technologies said.
"The Union aims at ensuring cooperation with different spheres of the economy, as well as public and educational organizations, which, in its turn, will result in the development of these spheres,” President of UMB(E)A Arsen Ghazaryan said.