09:48 | 15.06.15 | Articles | exclusive 3678

    Plant a Tree: Plant a tree with someone else’s hands

    Plant a Tree newly-developed startup grants an opportunity to plant a tree without directly participating in the tree planting, and thus, save your time.

    The newly developed platform is aimed at environmental protection.

    Author and founder of the startup Tigran Simonyan told Itel.am that the idea occurred to him due to a specific problem.

    “It’s not just about environmental protection but also about taking part in community work days, which we – developers – cannot do because of lack of time. But as Socrates used to say, ‘People who do want to do something will find a way, and people who don’t will find an excuse,’ ” he noted.

    The website map enables all interested persons to choose the place where they would like to plant their trees and make a payment. The costs: USD 10 per tree. 

    According to Tigran Simonyan, the team is now comprised of two people meeting the orders. In the near future the list of tree species will be enlarged.

    The startup founder noted that many people have liked the idea and that they have already received a number of recommendations on how to make it more convenient.

    “Since the trees should be planted in fall, our main problem for now is weather and weather conditions. We have saved our client data and will send them an e-mail in fall to confirm their order,” stressed Tigran Simonyan.

    Microsoft Innovation Center has contributed to the development of Plant a Tree startup with its Business Consulting and Incubation program.

    Narine Daneghyan