Arman Atoyan
12:17 | 11.06.15 | Articles | exclusive 10881
The Armenian Arloopa company took part in the Augmented World Expo - a contest of virtual and augmented reality startups- held in South California on June 8-10.
Over 3000 specialists and around 200 startup from all over the world took part in the expo.
Co-founder and CEO of Arloopa, Arman Atoyan, told that the company was represented in at once 2 nominations - “The Best Augmented Reality Campaign” with their Coca-Cola Magic app, and “The Best Game or Toy” nomination with Hockey Bird app.
Although Arloopa didn’t win, it was selected out of 200 startups and included in the list of the 9 best startups of reputable ListHunt website.
The full list of the winners of the expo is available here.
Arman Atoyan presents Arloopa mobile app as a “magnifying glass” through which the world can be viewed from a different angle- with the augmented reality.
The app supplements the real images with new elements- 3D content, clip, animation characters etc. The 3D virtual image can be both static and dynamic.
Arloopa is available on AppStore and Google Play.